Magda is 37 years old and from Poland. She has studied political science and computer engineering but she's kind of a Jack of all trades. Besides science and computer engineering she took economics and mathematics. When something strikes her as interesting or she stumbles upon something that she doesn't understand, she will Google it learn more about it than most people would ever dream of. Even if she tells me that it is knowledge “on the surface”. A lot of people just let things slide when they don't understand it, Magda is not one of those people. To me, she seems like a person who could have worked with anything and mastered it.
At a certain point Magda felt like the work with finances was limiting and she started to work for a NGO to help others. She did that for a couple of years and when I am writing this article she is back in the finance world but working with project management and getting a broader perspective of the business. She tells me that “I realized that I can also help in this job and that the parts I do not like, others can do.”
So during COVID, Magda felt like getting a dog, but she also realized that her travel possibilities would be very limited since she didn't have a driver's license. So she decided to get license, she got one and took her dog with her to drive to Austria. Boundaries and obstacles taken away. Magda dreamt about traveling and staying away for a longer period of time, but she did not want to end up all alone in a hotel room or in an Airbnb somewhere where she didn't know the language and didn't know the people. She did what she always does. She Googled it. She Googled something like: Remote work, community, people working together, And all of a sudden, she learned the word coliving. This opened a whole new universe for her. Coliving being the concept of people working and living together in a community. You can choose to be by yourself or a part of the community, depending on how you feel that day. When she looked for dog friendly Co-living places, there wasn't that many options and she really loved pictures from the picturesque old terracotta factory that Colivingitaly have settled in.
What she love about ColivingItaly is that is has people being different but also like-minded. People want to meet but also have their own space.
- I love that I can come out from a meeting and be frustrated or happy and share it with others. Also I get to try different food and do activities togheter.
When she gets back to Poland she will sell her apartment and keep exploring the world, not only with google..